Airborne Wind Energy Idea Challenge

Airborne Wind Energy is interesting energy generation concept to be look at. Beneficing high altitude wind, huge amount of wind energy can be tap and convert to electric by motion. Students shall use their knowledge and creativity to introduce new ideas such that it can be used in Malaysia in the future.

From the figure above, it show one type of airborne wind generation system that is “balloon-like”. This kind of system is proposed/introduced by Magenn Company that does research on wind energy. High altitude wing can generate electricity as much as a medium sized nuclear power plant. In addition, the cost is much lower with respect to amount of power it can produce.

The participants will introduce their idea to develop this kind of energy generation system at Malaysia. The most realistic and creative idea will rewarded as winner for competition. The idea could be present in mini model, poster, video, picture or everything related to competition.

There is some rules and regulations of this competition:

  1. The competition is open to 2nd year undergraduates Mechanical Engineering Department of The National University of Malaysia.
  2. The contents should meet the requirements of competition, on airborne wind energy.
  3. The amounts of posters that can be published are 4 minimum and 6 maximum.
  4. Each poster taken must be original, authentic, unpublished, and done fully by the students. Any person involved in plagiarism will automatically be disqualified.
  5. Create slogan that is effective, meaningful and simple.
  6. Make sure the fonts used are easy to be read.
  7. Include any relevant descriptions, processes, designs and information regarding the project.
  8. Once you are announced as the contestant, you are required to print out the photos before the event day in A1 size.
  9. Mini model and any visual presentations (video, slides shows and pictures) are allowed as long as being done by the students.
All entries must meet competition guidelines and only the selected entries will be informed 4 days* after the Integrated Project presentation. 

 *subjected to change.

Prizes :
  1. First prize :  Cash RM400 + 2 days 1 night Travel package to Pulau Pangkor sponsored by + Trophy + Certificate sponsored by SERI UKM
  2. Second prize : Cash RM250 + Trophy + Certificate sponsored by SERI UKM
  3. Third prize : Cash RM150 + Trophy + Certificate sponsored by SERI UKM
  4. Fourth and fifth prize : Hamper worth of RM80 + Trophy + Certificate sponsored by SERI UKM
The winner will be interviewed and it will be published on university/outside media (digital board, bulletin or magazines).

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